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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry: Religious Organizations (naics 813110)
This industry comprises (1) establishments primarily engaged in operating religious organizations, such as churches, religious temples, and monasteries, and/or (2) establishments primarily engaged in administering an organized religion or promoting religious activities.
792 employers found

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Employers 626 through 650 of 792
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 Employer Name sorted ascendingAddress  City  State Employees

 Jesus King of All Nations    Sheldon Rd    St Albans    VT 1-4
 Church Street Publishing Inc    Shellhouse Mountain Rd    Ferrisburgh    VT 1-4
 Saipan Church Planting    Shoreham Whiting Rd    Whiting    VT 1-4
 Church of Christ Study    Sias Ave    Newport    VT 1-4
 Newport Church of Christ    Sias Ave & Leavitt St    Newport    VT 1-4
 Hardwick Bible Baptist Church    Slapp Hl    Hardwick    VT 1-4
 Our Lady of the Snows Church    South St    Woodstock    VT 1-4
 Congregational Church UCC    South St    South Hero    VT 1-4
 Church of Christ    South St    Bennington    VT 5-9
 All Souls Church Unitarian    South St    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
 Protestant Episcopal Chr    South Street    Island Pond    VT 1-4
 All Saints Episcopal Church    Spear St    South Burlington    VT 5-9
 Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church    Spear St    Charlotte    VT 1-4
 Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish    Spear St    Charlotte    VT 1-4
 Beth Towb Rutland    Spellman Ter    Rutland    VT 1-4
 St Anne's    St Annes Rd    Isle La Motte    VT 10-19
 Carthusian Foundation In Amer    St Bruno Dr    Arlington    VT 5-9
 Williston Seventh-Day    St George Rd    Williston    VT 1-4
 St James Episcopal Church    St James Pl    Essex Junction    VT 1-4
 First Baptist Church    St Paul St    Montpelier    VT 1-4
 Roman Catholic Diocese-Brlngtn    St Pauls Ln    Barton    VT 1-4
 Conversion of St Pauls Church    St Pauls Ln    Barton    VT 1-4
 United Church of Benson    Stage Rd    Fair Haven    VT 1-4
 Church At Prison Inc    Starbird Rd    Jericho    VT 5-9
 Christ Church Parish House    State St    Montpelier    VT 1-4
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