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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry: Religious Organizations (naics 813110)
This industry comprises (1) establishments primarily engaged in operating religious organizations, such as churches, religious temples, and monasteries, and/or (2) establishments primarily engaged in administering an organized religion or promoting religious activities.
792 employers found

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Employers 676 through 700 of 792
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sorted ascendingEmployer Name  Address  City  State Employees

 Topsham Up Church    Powder Spring Rd    Topsham    VT 1-4
 Touch of Grace Assembly of God    Vt Rte 16    East Hardwick    VT 1-4
 Townshend Church    Common Rd    Townshend    VT 1-4
 Tree of Life Ministries Inc    Thompson St    South Burlington    VT 1-4
 Trijang Buddhist Institute    Morning Star Ln    Northfield    VT 1-4
 Trinity Assembly of God    Vt 15 W    Hyde Park    VT 1-4
 Trinity Church    Main St    Montpelier    VT 1-4
 Trinity Episcopal Church    Shelburne Rd    Shelburne    VT 1-4
 Trinity Episcopal Church    West St    Rutland    VT 1-4
 Trinity Evangelical Free Chr    Main St    Windsor    VT 1-4
 Trinity Lutheran Church    Western Ave    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
 Trinity Presbyterian Church    S Main St    St Albans    VT 1-4
 Truth Performance    Colchester Rd    Essex Junction    VT 1-4
 Tunbridge Church    Vt Route 10    Tunbridge    VT 1-4
 Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church    Allen St # 3    Burlington    VT 1-4
 Union Baptist Church    US Route 5    Waterford    VT 5-9
 Union Bible Church    S Main St    Alburgh    VT 1-4
 Union Church    Route 5    Ascutney    VT 1-4
 Union Church of Proctor    Church St    Proctor    VT 5-9
 Union Village United Mthdst    Main St    Norwich    VT 1-4
 Unitarian Church of Montpelier    Main St    Montpelier    VT 5-9
 Unitarian Universalist    US Route 5 S    Norwich    VT 1-4
 Unitarian Universalist Church    Brownsville Rd    Hartland    VT 1-4
 Unitarian Universalist Church    Fairground Rd    Springfield    VT 1-4
 Unitarian Universalist Church    West St    Rutland    VT 1-4
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