Data & Research
* ELMI Occupation Profile - Appraisers of Personal and Business Property *
Appraisers of Personal and Business Property
(O*NET 13-2022.00, SOC 13-2022)
  • Abilities
  • Work Activities
  • Work Styles
  • Detailed Work Activities
What they do
Appraise and estimate the fair value of tangible personal or business property, such as jewelry, art, antiques, collectibles, and equipment. May also appraise land.
Property Appraisers and Assessors*
Vermont - 2023
10% $ 16.57   $34,470  
25% $ 18.87   $39,250  
Median $ 21.80   $45,340  
75% $ 28.50   $59,280  
90% $ 45.00   $93,590  
Average $ 25.20   $52,410  
* You're seeing information for "Property Appraisers and Assessors" because it includes "Appraisers of Personal and Business Property" for which wage information is not available.
1 What are Percentile Wages?
More at CareerOneStop
Industries of Employment
Property Appraisers and Assessors*
United States - 2022
IndustryPercent of total
  • Local government, excluding education and hospitals
  • Real estate
  • Self-employed workers
  • Credit intermediation and related activities
  • Professional, scientific, and technical services
* You're seeing information for "Property Appraisers and Assessors" because it includes "Appraisers of Personal and Business Property" for which industries of employment information is not available.
More at BLS
Related Occupations
More at O*NET
Career Video
Watch at CareerOneStop with transcript or at YouTube.
Projected Employment
Property Appraisers and Assessors*
2022 employment 606
2032 employment 647
Annual percent change
Annual projected job openings
(due to change and separations)
* You're seeing information for "Property Appraisers and Assessors" because it includes "Appraisers of Personal and Business Property" for which projected employment information is not available.
More at Occupational Projections
Education and Experience:
Property Appraisers and Assessors*
  • Typical education needed for entry
    Bachelor's degree
  • Work experience in a related occupation
  • Typical on-the-job training needed to attain competency
    Long-term on-the-job training
* You're seeing information for "Property Appraisers and Assessors" because it includes "Appraisers of Personal and Business Property" for which education and experience information is not available.
Based on BLS Education and Training Classifications
Job Zone
Considerable Preparation Needed
  • Specific Vocational Preparation Range
    (7.0 to < 8.0) - A typical worker will require over 2 years up to and including 4 years of training to achieve average performance in this occupation.
Based on O*Net Job Zones and SVP
Vermont may require an occupational license:
Select a license for details
Other Resources
  • CareerOneStop
    resource for job seekers, students, businessess and career professionals
  • O*NET Online
    nation's primary source of occupational information
O*NET in-it

This page includes information from the O*NET 28.0 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.


This page includes information produced in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics and State Occupational Projections programs. State of Vermont Department of Labor